The purpose of the examination is to stimulate students to review their studies so as to consolidate and integrate the information and skills they have learned throughout the program. The examination is designed to cover everything taught in the Clinical MA program with particular emphasis given to the evaluation of student learning in the areas of assessment and psychotherapy. It is the expectation that students will demonstrate high levels of understanding of the theory, research, and practice applicable to work as a psychological practitioner. It is also expected that students will have a strong understanding of professional ethics as they apply to all scientific and practice activities.


The comprehensive examination is comprised of two components:


(1) Two-week take home component- To evaluate student learning in the areas of assessment and psychotherapy, students will be required to provide high quality written responses to two questions pertaining to these areas of professional practice. The questions and any required materials (e.g., assessment data, therapy case data) will be provided to students by a designated person in the psychology department. Students will be expected to work independently and to prepare written responses which include the utilization of citations to support claims and arguments made and a complete and accurate reference list. Written responses along with the examination question and associated materials must be turned in within two weeks after the date of distribution.


Examination questions and materials will be prepared and evaluated by the faculty members of the Clinical MA Policies and Procedures Committee (PPC).


The assessment question will involve utilizing data supplied by the PPC. Data will be designed to simulate actual clinical case material. The question will require students to be able to demonstrate their skills at effectively working with assessment data to arrive at meaningful formulations, diagnoses, and/or treatment recommendations. In addition, students will need to provide written explanation of the ethics surrounding the provision of assessment services.


The psychotherapy question will involve writing a case formulation based upon case material supplied by the PPC. Data will be designed to simulate actual case material. Additionally, students will need to provide written explanation of the ethics surrounding the provision of therapy services.


In order to successfully complete this component of the examination, student responses must be graded as “pass” by faculty readers who critically evaluate each response blind to the identity of the student.


(2) Multiple choice component- To evaluate student learning in all areas of the Clinical MA program, students will also be required to complete a sit-down multiple choice examination which will include questions reflecting content from all courses. The examination will be held in a computer center on campus. The examination session will be 3 hours. This portion of the examination is intended to emulate the licensure examination (i.e. EPPP) that is required for licensure in the State of Michigan.


Recommended multiple choice examination questions will be collected from all course instructors. PPC faculty members will decide upon exact content and length of the examination.  In order to successfully pass this component of the examination, students must obtain a minimum grade of 60%.


SCHEDULING: The examination will be offered at the end of the winter term (typically in the week between winter and summer terms). An email will be sent via the Clinical MA listserve announcing when the examination will be held. Only students in their final year of study are permitted to write the examination. Students wishing to take the examination must notify the program director or examination co-ordinator. 


If a student does not pass the examination on the first writing, they are permitted to write the sections they failed once. If he/she does not pass the second time, then the student will not be permitted to graduate from the program.


Suggestions and things to consider from the Program Director:
















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